Tanush Dhingra

About Tanush

Welcome to my website! I am a freshman at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, I graduated Cum Laude with a High School Diploma from The Blake School in June 2023. Having grown up in the Twin Cities (with a lot of snow and snowmen), I've become an expert marksman with snowballs. 

Throughout my life, I've explored a multitude of interests. From a young age, I've pursued Music in many forms. Music has allowed me to develop many skills, such as creativity, diligence, planning, and prudence in making judgements.

I've also had the privilege of being able to give back to my community in many ways (e.g. teaching music pro bono) through my varied experiences and passions. Feel free to explore the other pages to learn more!

Tanush Dhingra

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States